EHR Scribe
Save 2 hours everyday with EHR Scribe.
You dictate on a toll free line or digital
dictation device and the transcribed document will show up in your EHR within 12-16 hours. Save at least two hours every day in note creation. Dictate HPI, Assessment, Plan or Complete Note. Our certified trained medical record specialist will transcribe and push it to your practice EHR.
dictation device and the transcribed document will show up in your EHR within 12-16 hours. Save at least two hours every day in note creation. Dictate HPI, Assessment, Plan or Complete Note. Our certified trained medical record specialist will transcribe and push it to your practice EHR.
EHR Go Live
Keep up your practice & EHR Transition
Zodiac HIT experts will transfer information from your current patient medical records into the new electonic medical record, build medication lists, problem lists, allergies and clinical information. Go Live helps practice to meet requirements for meaningful use.
Revenue Cycle Management -
Revenue Cycle management solution helps medical offices improve medical claims management & cash collections.Medical Transcription-
Multiple document delivery options include EHR, secure file transfer and secured online Web portal.Health IT Application-
Custom software application service provides assistance from concept to complete development process. You Dream It, We Make It Happen!EHR Project Management-
Analyzes practice work flow and needs analysis. Assists with EHR selection, implementation & go live process.Health IT Workforce-
Health IT Staffing solution (Temp or Perm) for Health IT or EHR Implementation.Onsite Scanning Solution -
Onsite scanning and document management solution inputs data to EHR or digital Media (DVDs, External Storage)Clinic Dircect Marketing-
Marketing tools reach patients on a regular basis and allows practice to send eNewsletters, reminders, surveys or announcements.Business Planning-
Business planning provides assistance in practice location planning, practice expansion, practice aquisition, hiring, and equipment financing.Strategic Planning-
Strategic business planning solution provides assistance in legal compliance, contracting with insurance carriers, and contract negotiations.